TerraClassifieds WordPress classifieds plugin updated to ver. 1.7. Check what changed.
We are happy to announce that we have updated Terraclassifieds to version 1.7. You will find a few new features and bug fixes.
New features in TerraClassifieds ver. 1.7
- Added option to hide 'Report abuse', 'Website URL' and 'Ad's author' in the advert view. Those options were available in the previous TerraClassifieds versions and displayed on the advert view, but now the advert view can be more configurable and you may disable fields you simply do not need on your classifieds website.
- Added option to show default image for adverts submitted with no image. Once somebody submits an ad and does not add any image then you may set the default image that will be used for such adverts. In Image processing settings find the new option for selecting the image to fulfill the empty space on the ads list view.
Depending on what image you set, you will see this image for adverts without any images. - Added option to hide a username on the author's page. Once you click on the author's name on the advert view, you may see some details about the author. There was a username visible and we thought it is unnecessary, but to avoid deleting this piece of code, we added an option in General settings to decide by an administrator.
You can just remove this username. - You can set minimum and maximum characters limit for a description in the 'Add advert' view. To avoid adding the new long field for setting the minimum number of description chars, we decided to merge those two fields and present in Adding advert view settings as marked below.
So now while writing a description for submitted adverts, the user may see a notice when he has not entered minimum characters. - Added option to choose selling types. "Price", "For free", "Exchange" selling types were available by default on the advert submitting view. Now an administrator may choose the preferable selling type. You don't need to choose between all 3 selling types like before.
- Added option to set a thousand separator, decimal separator and decimal points for a price. Thousand and decimal separators for prices may differ in various countries so now you have a possibility the set separators that most suit your currency.
Changes will be used for each price in Terraclassifieds, ex. Archive view. - Added option to set ordering for date elements (number, period, ago). Customers keep asking us how to change ordering for an approximate date visible on the adverts list view. Because of many language differences, we added a few combinations for this field to simplify it.
- Added hits (ads views counter). This is another option that customers ask us to add, and here it is :) You will see this field in the archive and single view.
- Added currency for a price in the 'Add advert' view. Just to make clear what currency is used on the website.
- Added option to append additional email addresses for administrator notifications ( abuse report, new advert, new user registration ). Before this update, these notifications were sent only to the email address in field Administration Email Address in the Settings -> General section. You may add additional recipients separating addresses with comma. The message is sent as CC.
- Added option to choose behavior for expired adverts. You can select an action when someone enters archived ad:
- 404 page: you will see 404 page
- redirect to URL: there will appear additional field below where you can enter some URL
- deactivate the page: you will see an archived advert with information about ad status but without location, website URL, author, contact and abuse form
- redirect to archived ad's category
Bug fixes
- Fixed currency position in the 'My submissions' view. Setting Unit position was ignored.
- Fixed not working limit of words in the archive view when the content contains newlines.
- Fixed error with default WP widget 'Search' - unnecessary fields related to 'Terraclassifieds Search' widget.
- Fixed the wrong number of items after removing the advert in the 'My submissions' view. The proper items number was not visible until the user refresh the page.
Other issues
- A value less than 0.01 for the 'Price' field is forbidden in the 'Add advert' view. An earlier user could enter a negative value.
- The image in the widget 'Terraclassifieds Latest Ads' is now centered vertically and horizontally
- The favorite icon is now in the top right corner of the image container (archive view), even if the image is not 100% height. An earlier this icon was placed on the image even if this photo was very small.
- Removed unnecessary hidden field with an email address for an abuse contact form in the 'Single Advert' view
- Email address in the hidden field for a contact form in the 'Single Advert' view is now encoded using Base64 format. It's a security fix to prevent robots for crawling email addresses,