TerraClassifieds classifieds plugin for WordPress has been approved by WordPress Plugin Directory Team and it's now available to download on wordpress.org :)
We are extremely happy to announce that TerraClassifieds classifieds plugin for WordPress has been reviewed by WordPress Plugin Directory Team and, after making some changes by our team, approved for wordpress.org repository.
After submitting TerraClassifieds on wordpress.org we had to make some code modifications before official releasing to meet the code quality according to WordPress Plugin Directory rules. Here you may see the changelog for the finally accepted TerraClassifieds 1.3 version.
This today's morning great info gives us even more power to work on the TerraClassifieds development and we also want to thank you all customers who're using TerraClassifieds for their fantastic cooperation on support center. We appreciate all your ideas, bug reports, and feedback.
If you are using TerraClassifieds and you are satisfied with it we would appreciate your 5 stars rating. Thank you!