11 best books about WordPress development.
WordPress is very easy to use, as its interface is intuitive even for newcomers. However, in practice, people that do not deal with information technology on a regular basis face some problems. These problems most frequently relate to the lack of theoretical knowledge and practical experience with WordPress.
The high popularity of the platform formed an army of the CMS users among which, there are many newcomers along with advanced users who know WordPress through and through. There are a lot of websites on the web, devoted both to development of sites on WordPress, and its operation.
For beginners and ordinary users, there are a lot of articles, video lessons, blogs, study materials, which can help you comprehend all the basics of the platform. However, today we will focus on the best WordPress books.
Professional WordPress: Design and Development
WordPress is the world's most popular free CMS system, but most users use only the basic functions of the CMS, without delving into professional web development on its basis. However, if you want to use the CMS to the maximum, on its basis, you are capable of creating projects of any level of complexity and design.
The book talks about the CMS system, its main functional elements, internal work of the code and data structures. It is about developing your own design themes, using plug-ins and writing extensions, configuring and optimizing large websites that run on this system. The publication contains a large number of examples and ready-made strings of code that can be used for your own projects.
The book is addressed to a wide range of users ranging from those who are striving to fine-tune their theme, to experts who are familiar with the development of plug-ins and such.
WordPress for Dummies
This is a new edition of the best-selling book for users who want to start their own blog on the Internet using the most popular platform to date - WordPress. The book discusses various ways to use many features of the CMS, allowing even an inexperienced blogger to make their blog interesting and unique. It covers all aspects of creating a blog - using themes, RSS feeds, adding images, video, sound and photos, anti-spam protection and many others. This book is designed for beginners.
WordPress in Easy Steps
What are the advantages of this book? It is written in a simple language. Its clear step-by-step instructions along with consecutive illustrations simplify the learning process. With this book, you will learn how the platform works. The book contains all the necessary basics that will help you create your own website, blog or online store.
In addition, the book helps to make the most important step in the design of any website: calculate the time, think through ideas, create a page structure and determine the domain name and a hosting provider. The platform allows any user to create stunning websites without having to learn any programming languages.
The book "Wordpress in Easy Steps" is perfect for anyone who wants to create a modern and functional website for business, a blog or an online store.
Professional WordPress Plugin Development
If you are looking for a book that would teach you how to develop WordPress plugins, without a doubt, this is the one you have to read. The book provides some step-by-step instructions covering the basics of each APIs that the CMS provides to work with. Such APIs include Transients, Options or Settings, and many others.
In addition, it explains the detail of hooks in the CMS, which is perhaps the most complicated part to understand for beginners who want to start building their projects.
Web Designer’s Guide to WordPress: Plan, Theme, Build, Launch
Most professionals who want to make a living with WordPress do so by creating websites. And surely the most complicated part of this is the creation or modification of the CMS themes.
In this book, you will find all the concepts related to the development of templates, widgets, and shortcodes. This is undoubted, a luxury alternative to the official guide that you can find in the Codex.
WordPress. 1001 Trucos
In this book, you will find 1001 quick tips for maximum performance, as well as various shortcuts to save time and codes that will boost your website. In addition, the title is not a marketing trick, as you will find exactly 1001 tricks, which are numbered and classified into categories such as installation, configuration, security, SEO, and others. Speaking of SEO, you may want to check out this link to find an article, which talks about some simple SEO tips you can leverage to improve your website’s visibility in search.
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
If you are checking on WordPress world trends and news, you will know that JavaScript has a more relevant role to play in this CMS.
After REST API was released, it brought a lot of professional opportunities for developers of plugins and theme designers. And if you do not feel comfortable with JavaScript, you should start to remedy it. This book is the JavaScript Bible.
React: Up & Running
Another key point in the future of WordPress technology is ReactJS. With this JavaScript library along with the REST API, developers will soon be creating user interfaces in The CMS.
So You Think You Can Write? The Definitive Guide to Successful Online Writing
For all those who dedicate themselves to writing with WordPress, this book will help you learn what it takes to write quality content for the web. It goes from the basics of using narration in online content to how to write for search engines and people, and much more.
And although it may seem silly, creating attention-grabbing texts that users would like to read is a complex task. This can be confirmed by the fact that many seek an easy essay writer online for their college studies, as it is not easy to put your ideas down in a way that would make a reader interested in what you have to say. Luckily, books like this one help a lot of new bloggers out there.
All Marketers Are Liars
WordPress marketing is key. That is why we have included this book by Seth Godin on the list. Through many real examples, the book explains the tricks marketers use to increase sales. It focuses above all on how to tell stories and how you can leverage them in your own context for the improvement of the confidence of your customers in you. In addition, it is fun to read.
In one hundred years all dead: Guide to start or die ... without having done it
Original title: En cien años todos muertos: Guía para emprender o morir... sin haberlo hecho
If we talk about marketing in WordPress, the name that would come to mind is that of Joan Boluda. In this book, Joan provides us with a survival guide for entrepreneurs particularly focusing on how WordPress allows for a lot of different possibilities to create our own business.
Systematically, this book analyzes all the phases we go through as entrepreneurs starting from coming up with an idea for a company’s growth. This one is a very thorough book that you can read very fast and learn many truths from.
Author Bio:
Nicole Lewis is a 32-year-old blogger who comes from Washington DC. She started her own blog when she was 22, and now it is tremendously popular. There, she writes about the pros and cons of being a popular blogger and many other aspects related to WordPress and blogging in general.