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[UPDATE] DJ-Accessibility WordPress plugin with the possibility to add custom links

We are happy to introduce the DJ-Accessibility plugin version 1.11. The latest update (for Joomla and WordPress) brings many changes, including new features, bug fixes and improvements. Most important new features are the possibility to add custom links to the panel, and set a different layout for the mobile.

DJ-Accessibility Light has been also updated.

New features

The possibility to add a custom link

The plugin settings have a new option: "Custom links".

Using it, you can display customized links in the panel, e.g. you can link some pdf, or whatever you want. There is also a possibility to add an image.

Check the example below:

The possibility to set a different layout for mobile

Plugin users can set the layout for mobile, enabling them to use, for example, the toolbar on the desktop and a popup on a mobile device.

Other changes

What is also important - we've fixed PHP warning related to module on PHP8.2 (Joomla!)

If you're uncertain about the reasons for updating your website's PHP, here are some advantages and reasons why it's an important task to focus on.

Benefits of upgrading to PHP 8.2:

  • Enhanced security
  • Faster website
  • Better compatibility
  • Development support

What is the DJ-Accessibility plugin?

DJ-Accessibility is a set of tools to help people with disabilities navigate the site. Use its' options to improve the accessibility of your website! You can display accessibility options in a pop-up or a toolbar on your page.

DJ-Accessibility works with Joomla and WordPress! It's also integrated with the YOOTheme Pro Builder.

What is the DJ-Accessibility plugin?

You can get DJ-Accessibility in three different pricing plans:

  • 6 months subscription for €35
  • 1-year subscription for €55
  • Unlimited Plan for €197

More information

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